A narrow body APU stand with flexibility
SAS has introduced an APU Access Stand for narrow body aircraft that gives you more capability and requires less floor space to operate and store.
Built to accommodate both Boeing 737’s and the Airbus 300 series, this stand allows crew to service and/or remove the auxiliary power unit safely and efficiently. Safety sliders let the access portal open fully and APUs can be directly lowered to a shipping stand, saving time and effort.
The stand’s compact design also preserves precious hangar space. Articulating stairs (with 30-inch steps) are tucked tightly into the design, giving an overall footprint of just 183 by 194 inches.
Here are more features of this versatile product:
- Deck load capacity of 2,500 lbs.
- Stabilizing jacks
- Swivel casters with directional locks
- Forklift jacking with a 45-inch adjustable range
- Forward slide and swing protected railings
- Tow bar for easy maneuverings
- OSHA 1910 guardrails
- APU removal/installation sliders
“Our stands are custom-made and built to our client’s precise specifications,” said Coy Stepro, general manager of SAS, an Indiana based firm that serves all North American operations. “Designs which create less stress and
strain on mechanics, provide non-slip surfaces, ergonomic steps, lifts that reduce stress and strain, and sliders that eliminate gaps and prevent falls — all are part of engineering that go into our products.”
If you would like to learn more about this stand or receive detailed drawings on it or others, contact us at (812) 969-2766 or visit our website www.Simpson-Services.com.